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ENG 112: Introduction

Welcome to the English 112 LibGuide! This LibGuide replaces a traditional textbook and is designed to be used with A Pocket Style Manual.

A Word About Accessibility

Please note: not all areas of content may meet ADA compliance.  If you are having difficulties viewing this LibGuide, please reach out to the librarians listed in the "Contact Information" section below.


Welcome to the English 112 LibGuide!  This LibGuide replaces a traditional textbook and is designed to be used with A Pocket Style Manual.

ENG 112 Course Description

From the syllabus: 

"This course, the second in a series of two, introduces research techniques, documentation styles, and writing strategies.  Emphasis is placed on analyzing information and ideas and incorporating research findings into documented writing and research projects.  Upon completion, students should be able to evaluate and synthesize information from primary and secondary sources using documentation appropriate to various disciplines. 

"This course has been approved for transfer under the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement as a general education course in English Composition."

ENG 112 Learning Outcomes

"After completion of this course, students will have: 

  • Used a recursive writing process to produce documents for audiences in various disciplines, including business, science, and the humanities. 
  • Reflected on, analyzed, and explained the types of writings used in various disciplines, including business, science, and the humanities. 
  • Located, critically examined, and evaluated sources. 
  • Correctly incorporated sources to produce properly cited documents in various documentation styles, including MLA and APA.
  • Produced documents using Standard Edited English. 
  • Collaborated actively in a writing community."

Contact Information

Questions about the course or course content should be directed to your instructor.  See your syllabus for details.

For issues, questions or comments regarding this LibGuide, or for using or accessing Library resources, please contact:

Placedia Miller, Library Director,

Alisha Webb, Instructional Librarian,



"LibGuide," you say?

It's this!  A LibGuide allows for the inclusion of resources, websites, videos, and text, bringing them all together under one umbrella.  This LibGuide has the following components which appear as tabs running along the top:

Introduction:  This includes information about Forsyth Tech's ENG 112 course and the LibGuide itself.

Plagiarism: The information in this tab explains plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Writing Process:  This tab provides critical information about the writing process, from developing ideas to finessing them for your specific audience.

Research Process:  The resources in this tab will help you research efficiently and effectively.

MLA:  This tab contains resources that will help you cite correctly using the Modern Language Association format - the documentation style used in most Humanities-related subjects.

APA:  The American Psychological Association's style manual that is used for health, medical and psychology fields is covered in this section.

Business:  This tab provides resources that will help you write for a business audience.  Business audiences include the people you work with, potential employers, and any person or group in a professional setting.

Science:  The resources in this section will help you write effectively for a science audience.  When you write for your BIO, PSYCH, SOC, CHM, or medical science instructors, you are writing for a science-minded audience.

Humanities:  This section contains resources that will help you write effectively in the humanities.  This information will come in handy when you are writing for your ENG, ART, MUS, HUM, DRA, and foreign language classes.

The Library: No writing or research class is complete without college library resources. The resources in this tab walk you through Forsyth Tech's library resources.

You'll also find embedded in this LibGuide links to other LibGuides that will be helpful in ENG 112 and beyond.

And a final note:  when viewing a page on a LibGuide, scroll all the way to the bottom to make sure you haven't skipped something!