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Blend Archive: Home

This LibGuide is a repository of the monthly Blend Newsletter published by the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence.

"Blend is the sum total of our experiences. Individuals bring different knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources to the proverbial table within our society. This is no different within the community college culture where you will find and be exposed to a blend of experiences like no other."

-Dr. Debi Griffith

 We would love to hear from you. If you are interested in submitting an idea for an article please contact:

Dr. Debi Griffith


To learn more about the Center for Teaching and Learning please visit, or contact us, using the information below.

Robert Strickland Center

2100 Silas Creek Parkway

Winston-Salem, NC 27103

Phone: 336.734.7640

Visit us on the web at Forsyth Tech link

Adjunct faculty we want to hear from you! Please send any words of advice or lessons learned that you would like to share with others. Please email Dr. Debi Griffith ( with your contributions and remember to include in your subject line "Adjunct Words of Wisdom."