Forsyth Tech's Vision & Equity Statement
Forsyth Tech is committed to fulfilling its vision of being the
catalyst for equitable economic mobility by
empowering lives and transforming communities.
At Forsyth Technical Community College, equity is grounded in a culture of belonging.
We will intentionally design the college experience to ensure that each learner receives
what they need to be successful.
For Discussion: Students and Equity
To a group of animals including an elephant, a monkey, a seal and others. Man behind desk: "For a fair selection everyone has to take the same exam: Please climb that tree!"
Equity & Equality Explained
Diversity What role does Diversity play in Equity? Achieving Diversity assures that the college has representation of diverse groups within our community - it's creating opportunity for all. Equity is assuring that each group and every individual have what they need to succeed once they're here! There are three components that need to be in place in order to assure our success as a community college: 1. Diversity: made up of different ethnicities and social backgrounds. Having the whole represented by the many. 2. Inclusion: including the many into the whole, while breaking down barriers that promote exclusiveness. 3. Equity: putting in place that which is necessary to equip the many in attaining their goals. For further reading: What’s the difference between diversity, inclusion, and equity?
Belonging, Equity, and Inclusion
Equality vs. Equity
A picture is worth a thousand words!
(Of course, the BEST solution is to remove the barrier altogether!)
The Consciousness Gap in Education - An Equity Imperative